B Raman's 'The Kaoboys of R&AW' - Down the Sycophantic Lane!!!

B Raman's 'The Kaoboys of R&AW' was on my long list of to-be-reads for sometime. The hype over the book and the author himself did have their influence on me. Finally, ended up reading the Kindle version. If I can summarize Raman's book, I say its a 'too clever by half' attempt!
Why do I say that? And its not to suggest that Raman's book is thrash or not to be read at all. It has its importance, there are facts revealed which were unknown hitherto and new perspectives on our polity, intelligence apparatus and incidents.
It is the unbridled sanctimonious importance that he grants himself and constant attempts to blame everyone else is one of my pain points. The other agony I had to experience throughout the work is his fawning obsequiousness of the Gandhi Family. He almost grants the entire bouquets of goods that happened to India and the Intelligence community to Indira and Rajiv Gandhi and the anything bad to everyone else! I mean if this was how a intelligence officer was enamored by a political family, what is the guarantee that it has not affected his sensibilities and decision making abilities?
Fathom this: He credits Indira Gandhi for her role in the successful intelligence operations during 1971 war and many quoted incidents later. However, no such words of praise are directed towards VP Singh or Chandrashekar for their support to the intelligence agencies during the Khalistani movement or in Kashmir. All success after Indira credited only to the intelligence officers (while they duly deserve) while every success earlier has been lavishly credited by the author to Indira and her son. Even after his retirement, there are instances he quotes where successful diplomatic maneuvers were credited to PVN Rao and Manmohan Singh. However, there are no words of praise for AB Vajpayee for his role in Pokhran-II tests or other successful diplomatic victories.
His hatred towards 'Hindutva' emerges several times in the book. Maybe this ensured his dislike for Vajpayee and Hindu organizations. Worst and most unexpected of a intelligence officer is like mainstream media, he squarely blames the rise of Islamic terrorism in India to the demolition of Babri Masjid! He hints that if the Babri Masjid wasn't brought down, Islamic terrorism would have spared India altogether. Blimey!!!
As I read through his analysis of post Babri incidents, a sense of despondency crept inside. If this is how our ace intelligence officers analyse issues in a partisan manner, would it be any different today? The threats have increased. Ways to target India have grown manifold. But have our intelligence officers and their apparatus upgraded themselves? Or do they still believe that making notes regularly is good enough to thwart terrorist attacks?
The creation of R&AW, its working, role and position of sleuths in IB and R&AW, their role in diplomacy, successful missions are highlights of Raman's work. Few amusing incidents (Eg. Drunken wife of a Indian diplomat who revealed his true identity as an officer of R&AW) and his style of narration makes it a easy and pleasant read.
I have always loved to read about the working of Intelligence agencies and their role in real. I would rate Peter Wrights 'Spycatcher' and Maj. Gen. VK Singhs 'India's External Intelligence: Secrets of R&AW' higher than Raman's work in terms of aim of the book and earnestness of the author. If you are seriously interested in reading on intelligence agencies, missing 'Kaoboys of R&AW' is no major loss.
Eagerly waiting to read Yuri Modin's 'My Five Cambridge Friends'. Alas, the Indian versions are too costly hence waiting for the low cost edition to be out sometime. Also wondering is Allen Dulles 'Craft of Intelligence' is still relevant in modern times. Dont want to read about the survival capacity of a Dodo :-) If anyone has the above info on these two works, please do let me know.
Why do I say that? And its not to suggest that Raman's book is thrash or not to be read at all. It has its importance, there are facts revealed which were unknown hitherto and new perspectives on our polity, intelligence apparatus and incidents.
It is the unbridled sanctimonious importance that he grants himself and constant attempts to blame everyone else is one of my pain points. The other agony I had to experience throughout the work is his fawning obsequiousness of the Gandhi Family. He almost grants the entire bouquets of goods that happened to India and the Intelligence community to Indira and Rajiv Gandhi and the anything bad to everyone else! I mean if this was how a intelligence officer was enamored by a political family, what is the guarantee that it has not affected his sensibilities and decision making abilities?
Fathom this: He credits Indira Gandhi for her role in the successful intelligence operations during 1971 war and many quoted incidents later. However, no such words of praise are directed towards VP Singh or Chandrashekar for their support to the intelligence agencies during the Khalistani movement or in Kashmir. All success after Indira credited only to the intelligence officers (while they duly deserve) while every success earlier has been lavishly credited by the author to Indira and her son. Even after his retirement, there are instances he quotes where successful diplomatic maneuvers were credited to PVN Rao and Manmohan Singh. However, there are no words of praise for AB Vajpayee for his role in Pokhran-II tests or other successful diplomatic victories.
His hatred towards 'Hindutva' emerges several times in the book. Maybe this ensured his dislike for Vajpayee and Hindu organizations. Worst and most unexpected of a intelligence officer is like mainstream media, he squarely blames the rise of Islamic terrorism in India to the demolition of Babri Masjid! He hints that if the Babri Masjid wasn't brought down, Islamic terrorism would have spared India altogether. Blimey!!!
As I read through his analysis of post Babri incidents, a sense of despondency crept inside. If this is how our ace intelligence officers analyse issues in a partisan manner, would it be any different today? The threats have increased. Ways to target India have grown manifold. But have our intelligence officers and their apparatus upgraded themselves? Or do they still believe that making notes regularly is good enough to thwart terrorist attacks?
The creation of R&AW, its working, role and position of sleuths in IB and R&AW, their role in diplomacy, successful missions are highlights of Raman's work. Few amusing incidents (Eg. Drunken wife of a Indian diplomat who revealed his true identity as an officer of R&AW) and his style of narration makes it a easy and pleasant read.
I have always loved to read about the working of Intelligence agencies and their role in real. I would rate Peter Wrights 'Spycatcher' and Maj. Gen. VK Singhs 'India's External Intelligence: Secrets of R&AW' higher than Raman's work in terms of aim of the book and earnestness of the author. If you are seriously interested in reading on intelligence agencies, missing 'Kaoboys of R&AW' is no major loss.
Eagerly waiting to read Yuri Modin's 'My Five Cambridge Friends'. Alas, the Indian versions are too costly hence waiting for the low cost edition to be out sometime. Also wondering is Allen Dulles 'Craft of Intelligence' is still relevant in modern times. Dont want to read about the survival capacity of a Dodo :-) If anyone has the above info on these two works, please do let me know.