Freedom vs Cause

A riveting scene from the movie "21 Grams"
Pastor: Well, thanks for finally seeing me. They tell me you don't want to eat.
Jack : I'm not hungry.
Pastor: Jack,Jesus didn't come to free us from pain. He came to give us the strength to bear it.
Jack : Maybe He wanted this pain for me.
Pastor: No, He had nothing to do with this. It was an accident.
Jack : No, it wasn't an accident. Jesus chose me for this.
Pastor: Jack, ask for the mercy of Jesus Christ.
Jack : If it was an accident, why do I have to ask for His mercy?
"I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.
"I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Pastor: - Don't be so prideful. That's a sin.
Jack : - "And the fearful and unbelieving.
"And the abominable, the murderers, the warmongers,
Pastor: Jack, listen to me.
Jack : "the sorcerers and the idolaters and all liars...
Pastor: Jesus came to save us, not to damn us.
Jack : "shall have their part... in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." Revelation 21:8 .
Pastor: Jesus, loves you. But He also knows how to punish arrogant sinners like you.
Jack : "As many as I love, I rebuke and chaste." Revelation 3:19. Jesus betrayed me.
Pastor: - Stop this shit, or you're going straight to hell!
Jack : Hell? This is hell. Right here!
Pastor: You're damning your soul! You shut up now...and ask Christ to forgive you!
Jack : Hey! Forgive me? I did everything He asked me to do! I changed! I gave Him my life, and He betrayed me. He put that fucking truck in my hand so I could carry out His will. Made me kill that man and those girls. But hey, He didn't give me the strength to stay and save them.
Pastor: Don't blaspheme, you bastard! Christ had nothing to do with this!
Jack : God even knows when a single hair moves on your head. And you taught me that.
Pastor: We're gonna pray for you,Jack.
The above scene from 21 grams is no doubt engrossing but it also says a lot about ourselves and our choices.
Yes, its about Christianity and what organized religions could do to you and your personal freedom. But it's also about what could happen to you if you allow yourself to be part of any organized syndicates by forsaking your freedom and interests. If you lose your freedom, you lose yourself. You lose yourself, you are just a tool in someone else's hand. Jack was ignored by the Church and so will you be. Think about it.


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