What does Modi's interview to ETV mean to me?

What makes Narendra Modi the man he is? What is that we can learn from him? If there is one character of Modi that we can inculcate in ourselves, what is that? 

Modi gave a 90 mins interview to ETV network. Most us already know his plans for the country and his views on issues tormenting the citizens. So, leaving aside most part of this interview, I consider this 5min part as the most significant, atleast for me, as it tells me who is Modi and what made him the man he is today!

Sample this. Modi says, "जीवन में कभी भी कुछ बनने की सपने नहीं देखने चाहिए, कुछ करने के सपने देखने चाहिए और उन सपने को पूरा करने के लिए जीवन जुटा देना चाहिए |" Gives us the direction in which we need to steer ourselves.

Next he says,"मुझे बचपन में राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के द्वारा देश के लिए जीने का संस्कार मिले हैं | 'डिसिप्लिन' से जीने के संस्कार मिले हैं | कठोर परिश्रम करने के संस्कार मिले हैं | खुद के लिए नहीं औरो के लिए सोचने के संस्कार मिले हैं और इसकेलिए मैं राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के ऋणी हूँ  जिन्होंने मुझे ये संस्कार दिया हैं | " Are we up for this? We all want to do something good for the country. But how can we accomplish it and what does it take to emulate him? Where are our priorities while we crib about the country's problems? 

Further he says how his life in RSS moulded him to withstand the difficulties when he says, "संघ के अन्दर कठोर परिश्रम की ट्रेनिंग हुयी है | खुद के लिए कम सोचना, ज़िम्मेदारीयो को पूरा करने के लिए ज्यादा सोचना, ये मुझे बच्चपन से ट्रेनिंग मेली हैं |"

Most of us have wondered has his priorities changed when he transitioned from life in Sangh to politics. This is what he says, "मेरे लिए आज भी राजनैतिक क्षेत्र, ये 'एम्बिशन' नहीं है एक 'मिशन' है | हमारे लिए राजनेति सर्वपरी नहीं हैं, राष्ट्रनीति सर्वपरी है | हमारे लिए सत्ता सभ कुछ नहीं हैं, समाज भक्ति सब कुछ हैं | यही तोह हमारे संस्कार हैं | " Doesn't it say whats wrong with politicians, irrespective of party, today? Also says what should be our priorities if some of us wish to get into electoral politics.

So how does Modi summarize what he sees as the solution to our country's problems? What role does he see for providence? He has this to say, "मैं मानता हूँ देश के लिए जो तीन चीज़ों की सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता हैं वोह नेता, नीति, और नीयत | बाकी अगर टीक हुआ तोह नियती भी अच्चा सोचती ही हैं |"

Watch the entire clip to know more about Modi, that never made it to the main stream media. While I always try to learn from every person I meet, Modi for me is one of those living beacons of how to live life and what it takes to be one. 

(The entire video/interview is the property of ETV Network. Full interview can be viewed here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNiBMxJUJwg)


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