Shenanigans of the so-called 'Intellectual Right'!

How different is the paradigm into which our 'intellectual right' wants to push the BJP/'Political Right' into? 

If somebody's idea/work does not fit into their preconceptions, brand them as anti-Intellectual, threaten dire consequences if their cogitations are not accepted or agreed to with folded hands and allow their jaundiced worldview to dictate viewpoints all with a tag on their forehead 'I AM INTELLECTUAL'.

How different is this from what Thomas Sowell deciphers from the political left's antecedents? -> - A must read if you are concerned about our political future!

Is this the political future we want? Shouldn't we be wary of such demeanours, even if it is branded as 'right'?

PS: I don't believe in the nomenclatures of 'left', 'right', etc for the Indian political paradigm and am strongly of the opinion that they are inappropriate here and should have no place in our discourse. Using them for convenience only!


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