What do the terms 'Atheism', 'Religion', etc mean for Bharateeyas?

As I read the title of an article in the front page of in today's The New Indian Express, a barrage of questions came to my mind. The title (see pic) loudly cried thus, "'Athiest' CM turns religious, Visits Temple in Mysore"!!!

Now the questions that came to my mind:

  • Can Siddaramaiah or anyone who are born and brought up in native Bharateeya families belonging to one of the thousands of traditions & customs, claim to be an 'Atheist'? In short, who can claim to be an 'Atheist'?
  • What does '... turns religious ...' mean? What does 'religion' mean exactly and which are the religions present in India and the world?
  • Does Siddaramaiah or any Bharateeya adhering to their own native traditions or personal belief systems 'turn religious'?
  • In fact, how can a Bharateeya turn 'religious'?
  • If TNIE meant 'Nastika', are 'Atheism' and Nastika traditions one and the same?
  • Now, can 'visiting temple' be termed as 'religious'? What entails a 'religious' act?
  • If 'visiting temple' is not religious then what is it?
  • Can one visit a temple and still claim to be a 'Atheist'? Further, can one visit temples and claim to be a 'Nastika'?

Siddaramaiah has been portrayed as committing a 'sacrilegious' act by claiming one and doing another, as per TNIE's understanding. My fear is that loose use of terms have caused a lot of harm to all of us, and we need to understand the meanings of each word used before being using them or be judgemental.

Many more questions well up in my mind, but for now would love to get your responses to these queries. I have some answers in mind but won't claim them to be final. Will give my responses in another post after I get your comments but will maintain that this is no pontification from my side and the learning will be mutual 


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