Swami Vivekananda on Science and Education
**** Text of my talk on Swami Vivekananada's view on Science and Education **** From time immemorial, the ultimate truth of nature is an enigma and a mystery to man. He took two broad routes to fathom it, one through probing of the external and second through inward journey. While the first path is taken by the western mind, the second path was chosen by the ancient sages of India knowing that the first path cannot lead to the truth unambiguously. This is what Swami Vivekananda spread in his message the world. Swami Vivekananda on Science Swami Vivekananda had experienced the ancient truths through inward journey under the guidance of Sri Ramakrishna. Along with it he had the pulse of western scientific approach. Hence he felt the need for bridging the gaps between them. For this, he took a holistic approach and having envisioned the leads of the western science, he pronounced intuitively the truths related to the study of the external domains of physical, biological...