Ram & Ayodhya by Meenakshi Jain - A journey in history, antiquity, archaeology and law

One reads few books for entertainment, some to know about subjects we are interested in, few to understand the world, and some to understand others. There are few books which when read enable you to know more about oneself, one's identity and heritage without which we are lost. One such book I have read in recent times is 'Ram & Ayodhya' by Meenakshi Jain. Yes, this work is about the Ram Janmabhoomi dispute and the temple. But the underlying theme is about what defines us, how we are a 'single culture', attributes which unite us as a civilization and how we as a people have reclaimed it repeatedly over millenniums. It also educates us about the machinations both external and internal that time and again attempted to destroy and separate us from our roots and the methods they employed. Faith in Rama - Attribute of Bharatiya civilization Meenakshi Jain's research shows how Bhagwan Ram and his story 'Ramayana' is not an epic whi...