'Beyond Red' - An Apostate on Communism

We might hate Communism and Communists, abhor their ideology, scorn and mock them. But many of us have wondered how Communism captured the imagination of the world, what it meant to those who adhered to it in the initial days and what were its basic principles which endeared to people across many countries. Not everyone has read Marx and Engels in entirety or studied dialectical materialism, historical materialism or their roots. How much of the laws of Dialectics do we understand, and what does Cartesian dichotomy has to do with Reductionism which forms the basis for Marxist world view is something we have to ask ourselves as we critique Marx. P Kesavan Nair attempts to provide a overview of what entails Marxist thought, roots of Marxian concepts and has also criticized Marxism, Communism, Socialism and their antecedents in this 'Apostate on Communism'. Having all these at one place is certainly handy and serves as a reference. Bertrand Russell evaluated comm...