Indian Astronomy – In Retrospect

Translated from the original article in Kannada by Dr.Y.S.Gayatri in 'Shankara Krupa' Ed 13 July-2011 issue ‘ ज्ञानं विज्ञान सहितं ’ is an ancient Indian adage. Knowledge and Science being in tandem with their way of life is not new for Indians. Bhagawan Veda Vyas said, ‘ यदिहास्ति तदन्यत्र यन्नेहास्ति न तत् क्वचित् ’ about the Mahabharata. This saying can be extended to the Vedas too as the root of all the ‘ Shastras’ are to be found in the Vedas. In the same vein the roots of Astronomy also lies in the very same Vedas. It is a known fact that the Rig Veda is the oldest scripture of mankind. Several sections in the Rig Veda point to the knowledge of Astronomy of those days. Based on the proofs gathered from within the Rig Veda and the opinions of many researchers like Weber, Max Muller, Jacobi, Winternitz, Balagangadhara Tilak and others, the Rig Veda was written around B.C 4000. The Rig Veda has several references to the Solar System with 1...